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Judy DiMaio, FAIA, has been an invited lecturer and critic at numerous universities around the world for more than 30 years, including Magdalen College at Oxford University Oxford, England.


• 2012 National Arts Club Women in Architecture, Panel: Judith DiMaio, AIA, Robert Arthur King, Wendy Evens Joseph, FAIA, New York, NY

• 2011 “Reconsidering Post Modernism” - The Institute of Classical Architecture and Art Moderator: Ellen Dunham-Jones. Panel: Judith DiMaio, Dan Solomon, FAIA, Gwendolyn Wright, New York, NY

• 2010 “Richard Meier Architect, in Conversation with Judith DiMaio” NYIT Theater on Broadway, The Ara Pacis Museum, Rome and the Jubilee Church Rome, New York, NY

• 2009 “Essential History II - Judith DiMaio and Kurt Forster in Conversation” Co-sponsored by Steelcase and NYIT, New York, NY

• 2009 “Overlaps in 16th Century Italian Painting, Architecture and Practice” American Academy in Rome, The Colin Rowe Resident Lecture, New York, NY

 • 2009 NOM A National Organization for Minority Architects Private screening of “Pray the Devil Back to Hell” in conversation with Karen Hobson, Hobson LTD, New York, NY

 • 2008 “Tall Buildings – a Conversation with William Pedersen, Cesar Pelli and Judith DiMaio” Co-sponsored by Steelcase and NYIT, New York, NY

 • 2008 “Essential History I - DiMaio and Kurt Forster in Conversation” AIA Center for Architecture, Panel: Barbara Littenberg and AntonyVidler (Dean-Cooper Union), New York, NY

• 2008 “My Italy, Michael Graves and Judith DiMaio in Conversation” Bard Graduate Center, in conjunction with the exhibition of Thomas Hope Furniture, New York, NY

• 2007 “Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Architect” NYIT Middle East Campus, New York, NY

• 2007 “Conversations on Architecture with AIA Gold Medalist Antoine Predock” NYIT Gallery 61, New York, NY

• 2007 “ Thoughts on the Future of Architecture”, Judith DiMaio, AIA and Frank Mruk, AIA, RIBA Education Hall Gallery, New York, NY

• 2006 “Peter Eisenman, FAIA and Michael Graves, FAIA - A Conversation Among Friends” Co-sponsored by Steelcase and NYIT, New York, NY

• 2005 “Marble Veils and Concrete Screens; Le Corbusier in India” NYIT Central Islip Campus, Aluminaire Lecture, Central Islip, NY

• 2005 “The Coalescence of 16th Century Italian Painting and Architecture: The Vertical Surface” The Dorothy Rowe Memorial Lecture, Magdalen College The Italian Society at, Oxford University, Oxford, England

 • 2005 “A Symposium; Deans of New York; 21st Century Schools / 21st Century Cities” Moderator: Michael Sorkin. Panel: Stanley T. Allen, Princeton; Judith DiMaio, AIA, Tom Hanrahan, Pratt; Urs Gauchat,NJI T; George Ranalli, CCN Y; Robert A. M. Stern F AI A, Y ale; Mark Wigley , Columbia; Peter Wheelwright for Paul Goldberger, Parsons. Co-sponsored by Steelcase and NYIT, New York, NY 

• 2005 “9 Schools of Architecture Expo(sed)” AIA Center for Architecture . Participating schools: CCNY, Columbia University, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, NJIT, NYIT, Parsons, Pratt Institute, Princeton University, Yale University, New York, NY

• 2005 Architecture and Urbanism , Architects in India Presenters: Douglas Kelbaugh, FAIA, Dean, College of Architecture & Urban Planning, University of Michigan; Michael Dennis, MIT; Andres Duany FAIA, DPZ, Miami; Judith DiMaio, AIA, Dean, School of Architecture and Design, NYIT. Sponsored by the Urban Design Research Institute of Mumbai, Mumbai, India

• 2003 “Perception and the Vertical Surface: The Realm in which Painting and Architecture Intersect” Co-sponsored by Steelcase and NYIT, New York, NY

• 2003 Invited to lead “Exclusive Tour of Rome” Sponsored by NYIT Casino dell’Aurora; Casino of Pius IV and the Vatican Gardens; the Vatican Museums; the Galleria Borghese; Giardino Segreto, Villa Lante in Bagnaia; Palatine Hill and its Hidden Rooms; the Domus Aurea; Villa Farnesina, and the Pantheon, Rome, Italy

• 2002 “Architecture and the Use of Historical Precedent: A Synthesis” From Classicism to the Avant-Garde: Contemporary Directions in Architecture, Notre Dame, IN

• 2001 The Colin Rowe Library Dedication and Roundtable Judith DiMaio, AIA, Alexander Caragonne, Fred Koetter, FAIA, Susie Kim and Leon Satkowski, Phd, Austin, TX

• 2000 “ Andrea Palladio and the Venetian Republic”, Urban Studies Program Sponsor: Seaside Institute, Seaside, FL

1998 The New Urbanism Debate: The Florida Tapes, A Critique of the New Urbanism, Sponsor: The Seaside Institute. Panel: Judith DiMaio, Alex Kreiger, FAIA, Alan Plattus and Colin Rowe, Seaside, FL

1995 The Hidden Treasures of the Po River – Guest Lecturer Sponsor: Association of Yale Alumni for Yale, Columbia and Chicago Art Institute Donor, The Po River Towns, Italy

1996 Celebrating Colin Rowe Symposium Panelist and Respondent, Cornell University, The College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Ithaca, NY

1996 Documentary Television Series: “Going Places: Tuscany”, Hosted by Al Roker DiMaio was featured in the following segments: Florence; Michelangelo’s David and the Prisoners (Galleria dell’ Accademia ) and Carrara: Michelangelo’s Marble Mountains. Sponsored by WNET Channel 13 and the Engel Brothers Media in Italy.,