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Architectural Strategist

DiMaio applies her unique and singular methodology to design problem solving. She employs a unique non-linear and non-chronological approach to history, working forward and backward in time to bring about a deeper understanding of the nature of architecture. Recognized by the AIA as a master teacher and by NYIT's president as Dean Emerita, her methodology insures a continuity of the cultural legacy of architecture.

DiMaio has always been singled out by such architects as James Freed and Harry Cobb of Pei Cobb Freed and Partners; Michael Graves, of MG Architects; William Pedersen of KPF , Bruce Nagel of bdN as well as Colin Rowe for her skinning methodology and approach.

My offoce on Long island, Old Westbury .png
Sea front and Pool elevation UNFOLDED and viewed as one ‘skinning’ study

Sea front and Pool elevation UNFOLDED and viewed as one ‘skinning’ study

Case Study:Hampton's Residence designed by Architect Bruce Nagel of BDN


DiMaio was the consulting Architect for the exterior design for a residential seaside villa in the Hamptons for architect Bruce Nagel of bdN. She has long been singled out for her strategic and tactical thinking and methodology when confronting the design of the vertical surface or skin.   Working on the exterior wall, a process she calls Skinning, DiMaio’s virtuosity in design puts her in the unique position of juggling both tactics and strategy with superior outcomes satisfying both the architect’s vision and the clients expectations.

DiMaio’s methodology is to UNFOLD a building’s surfaces or skin to enable her to view them simultaneously in a three-pronged approach.  A) Multiple  overlaid analogue modeling in elevation, plan and axonometric critical to the choreography of surface composition and surface materiality. 

Studies are analogue; then conveyed to the Architect , and transformed into ‘clay models’ (B) then clay models refined and developed and digitally rendered for (C) the perfect product and outcome.